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Accelerating Readers in Grades 3-9
Session 1: An Introduction
Video (55:06)
Slide Deck 1
Session 2: Building Decoding Skills
Building students’ decoding skills so they can read multisyllabic words.
Video (47:06)
Slide Deck 2
Session 3: Attaining Fluency
Provide purposeful fluency-building activities to help students read effortlessly.
Video (63:14)
Slide Deck 3
Session 4: Comprehension-building Practices
Routinely use a set of comprehension-building practices to help students make sense of the text.
Video (49:29)
Slide Deck 4
Session 5: Making Sense of Stretch Text
Provide students with opportunities to practice making sense of stretch text (i.e. challenging text) that will expose them to complex ideas and information.
Video (47:59)
Slide Deck 5
Routinely use a set of comprehension-building practices to help students make sense of the text.
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